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Sunday, December 2, 2018


Assalamualaikum and Hello.

Today, I am going to share my reflections about Nue 1022 Communicative English Subject. My content about this semester has come to the end. 

What I has learned from this semester are speech, silent letter, diphthong word and others. The most interesting and fun activity is when we must do a short story based on the picture or topic either partner or alone that has been given from our lecturer, Madam Ardania. I love when I got a chance to speak in English cause at the same time I can improve the way I speak English. I having so much fun with my friend when doing activity.

The most difficult task that has been given is creating a short video about sharing My Beloved Family. We have been solo when doing this task.It is not easy to talk in front of a camera. Hahahah. I feel so awkward and at the same time my laugh at me. We shoot this video so many time to get a perfect video and nice view. Its a new experience for me to finish this task well. 

Honestly, I got nothing to dislike about this subject. I love this subject so much. If I got a chance, I want to speak English in every class cause english is one of my favourite language. Beside, all the topic and the activity in this subject never make me bored. The lecturer was so cool. She is the most cool lecturer in the world. I admit it. 😗Hahaha. I love the way she teach me and the way she treat me.

Finally, actually this is the first time Im doing and create own blog. I has never done it before in my entire life. But it is fun to learn it. In blog, it not only can be use for study. I also can use it for business and other. One day, when I have done  study at Institut Kemahiran Mara, Kuala Lumpur. I want to be a Business Man so I can use this blog to promo my service work.

That is the end of reflection. Thank you for spending your time to read all this.😗😗😗😗😗

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